Forums galactiques > Assemblée Galactique : diplomatie officielle > Philosophie, Politics and Tea...
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Hot foot Respect diplomatique : 419 ![]() 15/11 ETU 15:42 | Score : 2 Détails Hello dear commanders of Hope.
This topic has been created so that we can all debate on various philosophical, political, subjects. However what is new in this place is that you will be able to drink all sorts of different tea at the same time for this is a TeaBar... People are allowed to speak in French but it is prefered to speak in english. Or at least try. Each Tea costs 100 rupees.. All the money will go to my foundation "Esperance's Pack". All donations are of course strongly welcomed. Ok I would like to start this debate by something i personally think is very interesting. But at first could i have a cinnamon Tea please.. Thank you.. The question i ask you, commanders of Hope, today is: Why do bad people suffer so little when good people suffer so much? I hope you understand my question if not my associate translated it for me: "Pourquoi est ce que les gens mauvais souffrent si peu quand les personnes bon souffrent tant?" So does any one want to drink a tea while debating on this subject? HRP: Je prefere biensur que vous repondiez en anglais dans la mesure du possible. Sinon faites le en Francais... /hrp | ||
Rosa L. Respect diplomatique : 1595 ![]() 15/11 ETU 16:57 ![]() ![]() | Score : 3 Détails Although it is difficult to philosophize in foreign languages, I am going to try to do my best.
It seems evident that bad people are not endowed with a consciousness. The absence of consciousness alters the perception of what is good and of what is bad. The bad people are not able to realize what they make because they are not conscious of this. And then, they are never suffered. On the contrary, good people are able to think, to realize the reach of their acts and also, the reach of the schemes of people which surround them. And then, they suffer too much. "May I have a cup of tea, please?" "I will pay for it in a minute!" hrp: I hope you'll understand me! I can't pay! It's closed! | ||
Hot foot Respect diplomatique : 419 ![]() 15/11 ETU 19:12 | Score : 2 Détails Very good Rosa L, I am pleased to see a young ( I think ) Commanderess do some good work... Because you are my first client and your sayings were very good you get a nice cup of Tea.. How many sugars?
I do in some ways agree with you.. I think that Suffering is a matter of choice. Bad people choose to not suffer. They choose this way so that they can continue being bad people.. And in the same way the people who suffer are the ones who choose to. They choose because they have regret and they in some way decide to hurt themself... | ||
Rosa L. Respect diplomatique : 1595 ![]() 15/11 ETU 19:29 ![]() ![]() | Score : 3 Détails Thank you Hot Foot!
You know, I only have some months but I am 25 years old and I am going to get married! To come back to our discussion, I don't believe that the bad people really realize the pain that they can do around them. Problem of conscience! The good people, them, are in the reality. It is for this that they suffer! Is this a fatality? An irrevocable thing? When a person is deeply kind, she cannot change overnight; It can only undergo! "No sugar for me, many thanks !" | ||
Albert Simon Respect diplomatique : 1777 15/11 ETU 20:40 ![]() ![]() | Score : 2 Détails Et paf HotFoot prend un rateau ..... ^^
Et oui cher ami, les femmes ont bien changées depuis votre depart, .... la concurence est rude. | ||
fireman Respect diplomatique : 68 ![]() 15/11 ETU 22:35 | Score : 0 Détails it's really good to see you again dear hot foot.
see you soon on this topic. | ||
Hot foot Respect diplomatique : 419 ![]() 15/11 ETU 23:53 | Score : 0 Détails What is a rateau my dear Albert? Isn't it used for gardening?
Well the ladies have never really liked my heat.. I am still wandering why... Maybe if Fireman hoses me down a bit i will have more succes.. What do you think about that? | ||
Arkkrad Respect diplomatique : 118 ![]() 16/11 ETU 09:26 | Score : 1 Détails I have to say something on this, do you mind ?
I totaly agree with you hotfoot, you’re free, you choose. Actualy, even if you choose not to choose, it’s a choice...(got it?) About conciousness, I belive that everybody got one, you are not totaly free with that but you can change it if you want. When I say that you aren’t free, I mean a little bit of what you call your concious was made by your education, culturation, experience... But I think everyone in this galaxy is old enough to make his own path, with their own concious of what is good or bad. By the way, good things or bad things don’t really exist. I mean it’s just about interpretation and what you see in the present. Argh! Désolé c’est trop galère! on ne peut pas connaître toutes les effets de la cause, on analyse au présent (bien que le présent n’existe pas, c’est juste 1/10.23s on a un temps de retard) bien et mal ne sont qu’un, car forcement, ils s’équilibrent. L’un et l’autre sans s’opposer, se complètent. Comment imaginer un monde entièrement bon ? Si cela est le paradis je préfère aller en enfer. Le « bien » dépend aussi de l’époque, ce qui est bien hier est mauvais aujourd’hui, ce qui l’est aujourd’hui le sera demain. Je pense que l’histoire suit un chemin pour arriver à la vérité, une sorte de voie universelle qui nous dépasse mais où nous sommes tout de même des acteurs. As a conclusion, I will say that suffer, bad, good, it’s all about interpretation and choice. If you act like that, then you’re that. Everybody knows the way, the truth is within us. One day we will find it, or we will die... | ||
Albert Simon Respect diplomatique : 1777 16/11 ETU 09:48 ![]() ![]() | Score : 1 Détails Cher ami, "un rateau", c'est quand la jeune fille que l'on souhaite seduire ne repond pas a vos avances.
Quand elle vous dit tout de suite, "je vais me marier"," je suis mariée", ou "t'es trop bete", c'est mauvais signe, il vaut mieux changer de cible car on vient de se prendre un rateau. Ceci dit je ne doute pas qu'elles soient sensible a votre chaleur (pas humaine). Sinon bien evidement c'est un instrument de jardinage, qui dans le cas present ne nous est d'aucune utilité, effectivement. | ||
Hot foot Respect diplomatique : 419 ![]() 16/11 ETU 12:41 | Score : 1 Détails Thank you ALbert and especially Arkrad for your answers.
Albert, who does not try will not get anything... Well I try but i still don't get anything.. oh.. i'll try with a different target.. Could you tell me who is "free" or even couples that are not really getting on very well.. There might me a chance for me... ^^ Arkrad, when you say good things and bad things don't really exist? I think if you take the position of god, the source, or or any other names that you can give to it than i agree with you. For the source, there is no good or bad there are just actions. However I do believe that one man does know the difference in what is good and what is bad but for this man only.. So i think that good and bad exists but it changes for every being... What is the definition for something that is good or bad for you? Give me answer for what is good for you and what is bad for you? Biensur tout le monde peut repondre... en francais ou en anglais.. Arkrad, enfin le joueur, tu as un bon anglais essaye de continuer.. | ||
Arkkrad Respect diplomatique : 118 ![]() 16/11 ETU 13:42 | Score : 1 Détails yes, as you say, bad and good is diferent for every being. What you call bad isn't necessary bad for me.
There's not a few laws out there, kill or being killed, live your life waiting death, we can add the "10 commandements" (do not kill, do not steal, etc) for a good living in society. Everybody thinks that these laws are good. In fact, it's a trick, society forbids his own annihilation, it can't allow us to die. In the other hand, when you're becoming dangerous for the society, it can kick you out, you'll be in trouble... Well, I don't think I would say some things are good, others are bad, everything is just absurd. It's like having a conversation about death, very interesting but very useless too... We can't tell and we probably never tell. To answer your question, for exemple, the language is a good thing. Thanks to it, we can communicate, but it's also bad, because no matter what we say, it has already been said a thousand time, it's not that useful. Moreover you can't prove me that you exist with the language, actually, you can't prove it at all. You know you exist as I know I exist but we can't share the experience... Good and bad is related to your existence, it's up to you to draw your own path. You chose everything: suffering, sadness, sorrow, happyness... if you're not a pick up artist, then again, you chose! it means that, in the end, you like to be rejected by girls. but not trying is worse because in this case, it means that you're happy with your situation (a long time relationship with your hand...) | ||
-[Aerÿnn]- Respect diplomatique : 2661 ![]() 16/11 ETU 14:33 ![]() | Score : 1 Détails "Hello everybody...
Commander Hot foot, hope that you're fine. Do you have orange juice please..? (don't like tea for the moment sorry). So, let's talk about you're interesting subject.. Why do bad people suffer so little when good people suffer so much? Here's my opinion of it.. Excuse-me if my english is too bad. Je vous préviens, ça risque d'être incompréhensible, j'aurais essayé... First of all : What's bad and good people ? It's the personnality of people who is kalled bad or good ? It's his acts (past and actually) or these both things ? And then, everyone have second chance in life... We can change and choose another path... I'm maybe a naive person to think that everyone is qualified bad and good... Unfortunaly, it's depend of the moment, the context... Well, I'm going now to answer generally : I think that we have our own pain,own problems and suffers. It's impossible to mesurate the power, because it's depend to our personnality, our strong, our mental too... So I can't say if good people suffer more than bad people... This question is complexe and I'm afraid that's not so easy to answer, to understand..." | ||
Hot foot Respect diplomatique : 419 ![]() 18/11 ETU 00:47 | Score : 0 Détails Thank you my dear amies for your answers.. It seems that i only interest Girls here.. I do not say i mind..(I might even have a chance with one of them..hum humhum..)
Well what is Good and what is Bad? Yes it is a very good question i asked.. And that is why i have taken a few days to answer.. To be able to say if something is good or bad i think we have to say to ourselves... What if everyone does this? What will happen to us? To humanity? Would it bring us backwards or forwards? Let's take a concrete example like LLor usually does ( and she is usually right too)... I can openly say that BHA are bad.. Why? Because what would happen if each one of us used them all the time.. Would it kill humanity or will it help it to go foreward? It would of course kill each one of us and therefore bring humanity backwards... Lets take another example, one that concerns myself... Is being Idealistic good or bad? What if everyone does it? Would it make us go forward? YES it would.. Why? Because we would all try together to make humanity go forwards.. Therefore that is why being idealistic is a good thing... So ladies, and gentlemen, what do you think about this idea? I think is is quite a good answer to my question.. But can you find an error..? Vous pouvez biensur repondre en Francais... Cela ne me gene pas.. mais bon j'apprecie l'effort toute meme... |
Pages : 1
Forums galactiques > Assemblée Galactique : diplomatie officielle > Philosophie, Politics and Tea...