Forums galactiques > Taverne galactique : lieu de discussion informel > Klingon Tavern
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The Klingon Empire Réputation à la taverne : 67 ![]() 23/05 ETU 03:20 | Score : 0 Détails Klingons are well known throughout the Galaxy for their drinking ability. They are all huge beings that drink klingon blood wine by the pint!
Present are a few dozen klingons. Among them are Morag, Gowron, Kurn, Gorkon and even Worf son of Mogue has made the journey from the Assembly to have a few pints of blood wine with his old comrades. They drink heavily, sing legendary Klingon operas, talk of their glorious battles together and of the honourable dead. Some of the younger klingons even start a head butting competition so as to impress the lovely Klingon females... (Klingons can do this for hours because of their thick skulls and pronounced ridges on their forheads.) Worf son of Mogue stands on the bar and shouts: " My friends, Klingons and countrymen lend me your ears. Today is a glorious day for the Empire and the Eternal Galactic Union. I am proud to annouce the creation of the E.G.U Embassy in system 0!" The crowd stand, raise their goblets and cheers! Some of the younger Klingons fall over though when standing, the blood wine getting to their heads and so the females laugh. Worf continues: "This is a new era for the Empire and step towards peace in the Galaxy, too many of our warriors have fallen in battle... Let us drink to the Empire and to the Emperor who made all this possible! QAPLAH KLINGONS! QAPLAH!" The Tavern was definitely Klingon but its doors were always open to the curious, Klingons enjoyed the company of other species and were usually very friendly as long as they were honourable and did not steal their females! Pints of Blood Wine for all!! (Be careful though it is 70% alcahol!) | ||
Princesse Hita Réputation à la taverne : 40 ![]() 23/05 ETU 07:17 | Score : 0 Détails euh....... TRADUCTEUR s'il vous plait. J'ai juste compris l'idée d'un bar, mais pour le détails, c'est plutot mince. Excusez mon manque en la matière..
Alors, je commande un jus de pomme..... | ||
Gros Veinard Réputation à la taverne : 316 ![]() 23/05 ETU 11:24 | Score : 0 Détails Il fait juste de la pub pour sa taverne, via différentes boissons et escort girls que vous pourriez y trouver
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Céthro Réputation à la taverne : 220 ![]() 01/06 ETU 09:45 ![]() | Score : 0 Détails KAPLA, les gars! (huk-uk-uk-uk)
I mean, "kapla" boyz! Let's drink to klingons, our brothers... or cousins... or just amicci... or... let's drink anyway! ;]]] | ||
Owen Réputation à la taverne : 0 ![]() 08/06 ETU 02:29 | Score : 0 Détails Can I have a Brandi Coke please.
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The Klingon Empire Réputation à la taverne : 67 ![]() 08/06 ETU 11:23 | Score : 0 Détails The Klingon Barman came over to Owen: He was named Kalandar.
"Qaplah Owen! Of course you can! This one is free and on the house! Congratulations!" He shouted to all the klingons that were drinking in the bar: "My friends: raise your glasses of bloodwine... My sources hear that he is now number 1 in the Galaxy! Qaplah!" | ||
Xblade Réputation à la taverne : 35 08/06 ETU 13:03 | Score : 0 Détails hmmm Hi dude !! you have a good bistro my dear ^^
Can you give me a little wisky coka pleaze ^^ the weather is very good at home and i must drink :-p | ||
The Klingon Empire Réputation à la taverne : 67 ![]() 08/06 ETU 13:39 | Score : 0 Détails Kalandar: "Of course... Our whiskey comes from the finest distilleries in all the galaxies. `this one was made on Algenon and is very old.. very weak for klingons though you should try the blood wine!
How are you my dear Xblade? has your problem been resolved? It is good to see some other species in this old place!Everybody is welcome! Be careful of the klingons in the corner over there Xblade... They have just come back from glorious battle and are celebrating their victory so they are very drunk! I count 11 pints of blood wine each! Qaplah Xblade! enjoy your drink!" | ||
Xblade Réputation à la taverne : 35 08/06 ETU 13:54 | Score : 0 Détails My probleme is resolved ^^ thanx, The commandant is returning my planets to me :-D
I really need a good wisky and after that i could begin my evolution ^^ i took lots of delay with this conflict, already i'm NOT very in advance ^^ "Drinking his drink ^^" Hups ! it's really a good wisky hups !! 0_o | ||
Ketze Réputation à la taverne : 346 ![]() 08/06 ETU 13:56 ![]() ![]() | Score : 0 Détails Ketze arrived at the Klingon Tavern and sat down at Owen's table. He seemed already drunk : he missed a first time his chair and falled down.
After that, he succeeded in rectify himself and asked to Owen : WWhat...are you...drinking ? Hips !!! Owen aswered : A brandi coke Ketze : What an horrible drink !! and he shouted : WAI...TER ONE BLOOD WINE PLEASE !!!! HEUUUU....NO !!!! COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME ONE BOTTLE OF BLOOD WINE !!!! | ||
The Klingon Empire Réputation à la taverne : 67 ![]() 08/06 ETU 14:06 | Score : 0 Détails Kalandar gave him a bottle of blood wine... "haha i someone is having a good time! Drink this ot will make you feel better hahaha!"
Pages : 1
Forums galactiques > Taverne galactique : lieu de discussion informel > Klingon Tavern